Parth V Patel Apps

BAPS History Quiz 0.2
Parth V Patel
This App is specially made for betterunderstanding to BAPS Sanstha.Usually this app can be taken as an test to kindergarten, Alsofor you as you might not know few things about this sanstha.Features:• Gain Knowledge• Share• Test yourself• Ask other• Take Help from seniors
BAPS Photos
Parth V Patel
This App will help you to make daily newdarshan of Murti, Param Pujya Pramukh Swami & other Activitieshappening in BAPS all over world (You need internet connection forthis).This App is for free and if you guys find any problem indownloading or saving the photos, please leave comment.Bhagwan Swaminarayan (1781 - 1830 CE) was born as Ghanshyam inthe tiny village of Chhapaiya near Ayodhya in North India.Renouncing his home at the tender age of 11 after a deep study ofHindu scriptures, He performed an arduous seven year pilgrimagethrough Nepal, Eastern and Southern India before settling down inthe Western state of Gujarat. Appointed as the spiritual successorof His Guru when He was just 21, Bhagwan Swaminarayan asked twoboons from the Guru – "If your devotee is destined to suffer asingle scorpion bite then let me, instead, suffer the pains ofmillions of scorpion bites on every pore of my body. And if yourdevotee is destined to take to the begging bowl then let it be myfate but your devotee should not suffer from want of food andclothing."Bhagwan Swaminarayan then revolutionized society throughspiritual and social reforms like,1.Stopping sacrificial killing of animals in yagnas2.Motivating all to live a value-based life3.Encouraging freedom from addictions like tobacco, alcohol,etc.4.Abolishing female infanticide5.Banning the practice of Sati (forced widow-burning)6.Promoting education among women7.Inspiring 3000 educated people to renounce the world and live asascetics (sadhus)...and countless other activities for the spiritual salvation ofHis followersWorking in tune with the Vedic tradition and in harmony with thedirection shown by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, the Sanstha has beencontinuously nourished by an unbroken chain of enlightenedGurus.Pramukh Swami Maharaj (1921 - ) is the present form of Aksharbrahmathrough whom Bhagwan Swaminarayan is manifest on this earth. Hetirelessly travels around the world; cleansing hearts, transforminglives and harmonising families. His gentle philosophy ofsocio-spiritual regeneration knows no barriers of caste, creed,color, wealth or literacy. He has visited over 15,500 cities andvillages, sanctified some 250,000 homes, written more than 500,000letters and personally counselled 810,000 people. He has delivered22,000 discourses and built and consecrated 700 mandirs. He hasweaned thousands from addictions and drugs and instilled fraternityand faith for God. He has established hostels and schools,hospitals and medical camps, provided aid in times of naturalcalamities and organized international festivals to preserve,protect and promote India’s rich culture, inter-faith harmony anduniversal brotherhood.The followers are a peace-loving group of people wedded to asincere discipline of no addictions, no stealing, and no illicitsex, a pure vegetarian diet and moral purity.Today the Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam SwaminarayanSanstha is widely known and applauded for its work among the younggeneration, the socially and economically deprived and for itsrelentless drive against social evils, such as the dowry custom,drugs and other addictions. The Sanstha’s Volunteer Force of 45,000is active in serving society. It is well known as the organizationbehind Akshardham (Gandhinagar) and Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir(London), two unparallelled landmarks of our age.
Aarti & Bhajan
Parth V Patel
Here I have gathered Hindu Devotional Aarti& Bhajan that will make your day beautiful.This App needs Data Service and you can only listen online &can't be downloaded.Mostly Aarti & Bhajan that I have covered are as under:Aarti's:- BAPS Swaminarayan- Durga Mata- Ganesha- Krishna- Shrinath JiBhajan by:- Anup Jalota- BAPS Swaminarayan- Gayatri Mantra- Hanuman Chalisa- Guru Nanak SahebNjoy!! Have a Fantastic Day